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Do’s and Don’ts for Wisdom Teeth Removal

roseville wisdom teeth removal Dr. Walter Hunt Dr. Kyle Hunt Dr. Andrew Heinisch Personal Care Dentistry General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative Family Dentist in Roseville, MN 55113

Ready to remove your wisdom teeth? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Because Roseville wisdom teeth removal counts as surgery, it’s essential to follow guidelines to keep you safe and healthy. Thankfully, at Personal Care Dentistry, we offer high-quality wisdom teeth removals in Roseville, Minnesota! We’ll guide you throughout the entire process with simple, clear steps.


Before Wisdom Teeth Removal, Do:

  • Be honest in prior examinations. We ask about recreational drug and alcohol use before treatment. Because our bodies can become accustomed to drugs, they can affect our local and general anesthetics during treatment. 
  • Prepare a ride home. Whether it’s your parents, friend, or spouse, plan a ride home. Due to the medication and anesthetics, you won’t be able to drive yourself home. 
  • Stock up on supplies. You’ll be dedicating the next few days to recovering. Be prepared, and stock up in advance! Stock up on soft foods such as smoothies, ice cream, and mashed potatoes.
  • Arrive at the office comfortably. Feel free to wear sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. There’s no need to wear a tuxedo. 


Before Wisdom Teeth Removal, Don’t:

  • Don’t freak out. Thousands of wisdom teeth removals are performed daily around the world. Our dentists boast decades of considerable experience. Our suggestion? Sit back, relax, and let us take care of you. 
  • Don’t wear contact lenses. Use glasses instead to prevent potential complications.
  • Don’t eat or drink after midnight before surgery. Unfortunately, it’s risky to use anesthesia on a full stomach. Regurgitation and obstruction of your airway are genuine possibilities. Don’t risk surgical complications because you can’t resist grandma’s cookies! 


After Wisdom Teeth Removal, Do:

  • Elevate your head. Sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights. Elevation will reduce swelling and keep complications to a minimum. 
  • Ice your face. Ice will minimize swelling and reduce pain. Apply ice packs for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes on, for the first 24 to 48 hours. 
  • Eat liquids and soft foods. Hard, chewy, and crunchy foods will hinder the healing process. Eat soft foods such as soups, yogurt, pudding, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and applesauce. Slowly transition to more complex foods as you heal.
  • Brush carefully. The first few days after treatment are the most important. Don’t do anything to irritate the treated area. Brush carefully and with a gentle brush. After a few days, you can brush as usual. 


After Wisdom Teeth Removal, Don’t:

  • Don’t use a straw. Using a straw after tooth removal can dry up the socket and hinder healing. Shun straws as if they are nuclear waste.
  • Avoid sharp and hard foods. While delicious, pretzels, popcorn, and potato chips are big no-nos. Avoid these for at least a week. 
  • Don’t rinse your mouth vigorously. It’s always fun to swish water around your mouth. Restrain yourself, however, from going all-out. It’s best to avoid any extreme movement. 
  • Don’t smoke. Pack away your cigarettes; you won’t need them! Smoking at any time severely damages the healing process and leads to dry sockets. Avoid smoking for at least a week before and after surgery. 
  • Refrain from gum and candy. Don’t let their playful wrappers or flavor deceive you. Avoid sweets and gum for at least 24 hours after surgery. 


Roseville Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removing your wisdom teeth may seem like a chore with so many do’s and don’ts! Thankfully at Personal Care Dentistry, we got your back. We use the highest grade of medical equipment and the latest dental procedures available to keep you comfortable and safe. Our dentists, Dr. Walter Hunt, Dr. Kyle Hunt, and Dr. Andrew Heinisch, have your best interests at heart. Sleep well, knowing that we’ll guide you with each step. 

Schedule an appointment today to get started.

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