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How Can You Maintain Good Oral Health?

Visiting Your Dentist Regularly is a Necessity If You’re Serious About Your Oral Health
Maintaining good oral health on your own is not enough to avoid all dental problems. It is recommended that you visit your dentist once every six months. Just because your teeth appear clean doesn’t mean there aren’t problems beneath the surface. Issues are often present with no pain or discomfort until the problem is at an advanced stage.
Most people think a six -month check-up consists of polishing the teeth and the doctor stopping in to address concerns. There is so much more that goes on at those check-ups than meets the eye. Dentists are highly educated and trained to detect and diagnose problems at early stages to prevent their advancement. .
So what happens at a check-up?  The following will explain why it is so important to make it to your regular dental visits.
What does a cleaning with a hygienist consist of?
Updating your health history if necessary. Talk to your hygienist about any changes in your health including pregnancy, surgery, medication changes, illness, etc.
Tell your hygienist if you have any pain or areas of concern regarding your oral health so that these issues can be addressed.
If necessary, the hygienist will take x-rays. X-rays are a great tool in detection of problems not visible to the naked eye.
The hygienist will strip your teeth of calculus, stains and tartar. This is known as a cleaning or prophy.
The hygienist may probe your gum tissue to test the depth of the pockets. This is important in preventing gum disease and bone loss.
The hygienist will then floss and polish your teeth.
The hygienist may offer a fluoride treatment and other services or products he/she deems necessary.
What does an exam consist of?

  • The doctor will check for cavities and broken fillings and crowns.
  • They will then check the condition of the gum tissue and assess your overall oral hygiene.
  • The doctor will check the soft tissues for ulcerations and other lesions.
  • The doctor may check the jaws and the muscles associated with them.
  • Finally, concerns are addressed and recommendations are made. 

When is the last time you visited your dentist?  Call Personal Care Dentistry today and catch up on your check-ups!

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